When you’re ill-prepared: speaking of backups

Funny story: a couple weeks ago, my husband and I packed for an overnight trip to the “big city” for various appointments. I was rather proud of how quickly we were on the road. All went well, until the next day when we attempted to head home and the roads traveling back up to the mountain were either closed, blocked by snow and ice or accidents. I have to admit that I didn’t have a backup plan—meaning: no extra clothing, no winter emergency wear should we make it part way, no Rx (my one and only) and no extra food. Thankfully, our daughter and her boyfriend offered an extended stay at their home in the Valley, which we accepted (after picking up a few groceries for the morning). We weren’t sure how long we’d be staying, but I’m grateful I brought my laptop so I could meet my deadlines. And I guarantee we’ll be better prepared next time.

When was the last time you should’ve been prepared?

Photo by Hugo Clément on Unsplash.