Work-life balance: streamlining our time ‎

“Something’s going to give…” While that’s a line mined from my debut Harlequin Love Inspired novel releasing in 2024, it had been mirroring real-life. Although I can sit at my laptop for 8½ hours while on deadline, when I emerge from my fictional world, my task list is still begging for attention. This arrangement may work in short-term spurts of creative mojo, but it’s not sustainable in the long-term. Which means something’s going to give. That’s when it’s time to return to the drawing board and reprioritize both my work and life goals. One thing that’s been working for me is carving out blocks of time five days a week for specific tasks: household/miscellaneous, creative, spiritual and fitness. One day I allot as a makeup day and Sundays I rest and refuel. I say it often (more as a reminder to self), but we don’t have to wait for a new week, month or year to make changes before “something gives.”

What’s your secret to maintaining work-life balance?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.


  1. […] “Something’s going to give…” While that’s a line mined from my debut Harlequin Love Inspired novel releasing in 2024, it had been mirroring real-life. Although I can sit at my laptop for 8½ hours while on deadline…[read more] […]