When you can’t see where you’re going: inching ahead
How often do we desire to make a change or move forward with a decision, but the specifics are unclear? I remember a cross-country trip through Texas decades ago when my husband and I hit a patch of thick and soupy fog, the visibility nil. My fingers clenched around the moving van’s steering wheel—our Ford Escort hitched behind—I vacillated between pulling onto the side of the road and risk hitting another vehicle, or getting hit myself. Instead, I continued crawling in the direction we were headed and prayed we wouldn’t crash. As we settle into 2024, I’ve felt a lot like that in my everyday life—unable to see past my outstretched arm in front of me. But until I sense the need for a course correction or to stop what I’m doing altogether, I plan to keep inching ahead and trusting God to make my foot secure—just as He did through the fog.
How do you move forward when the path ahead is murky?
Photo by: Markus Spiske on Unsplash