All tapped out: recognizing the signs

After my husband’s recent hip replacement surgery (see “Delayed gratification”), our daughter arrived at our home on the mountain to lend a helping hand for a few days. Once she left, however, I found myself in a bit of a funk, so I busied myself around our cabin for a couple of hours. But when I sat down at my laptop and tried to write, my mind drew a blank. The same thing happened the following morning. At first, I attributed it to my daughter’s absence. During my afternoon prayer walk, however, I realized it’s been almost two years since I’ve taken any significant time simply to chill or play or dream new dreams. That’s when I recognized the signs: I’m tapped out. Since then, I’ve rearranged my schedule and blocked off some time to replenish what I call my “joy tank.” My hope is to return to my keyboard with more ideas than I know what to do with.

What are the signs that you’re tapped out?

Photo by: Sean Stratton on Unsplash