Learning how to be content: an attitude of the heart and mind
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. ~ Philippians 4:11
Merriam-Webster defines contentment as freedom from worry or restlessness; peaceful satisfaction. Queue in the lyrics from the popular Rolling Stones’ song: “I can’t get no satisfaction.” This refrain suggests that contentment is elusive. Yet the Bible expounds on the definition by describing contentment as a state of being satisfied, at peace, and emotionally fulfilled with what one has or the circumstances in which one finds themselves. In other words, the blessing of contentment is an attitude of the heart and mind independent of external possessions, wealth, or circumstances. Instead, it comes from recognizing and being satisfied with God’s provision in one’s life, whether that provision is material, relational, or spiritual. I’m not saying it’s easy—especially during seasons tainted by trials, trauma, and tragedy. For me, the key begins with gratitude, and involves trusting that God knows what’s best for me and provides for my needs accordingly.
What’s your secret to learning how to be content?
Photo by: Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash