Three more feet: staking your claim
A few weeks’ ago, I heard the story about a young man who staked a claim during the gold rush and mined the land for months. After his initial discovery, the vein appeared to dry up, he became discouraged and quit. He then sold his equipment to a “junk man,” who consulted a mining engineer…
When there’s no ‘next time:’ making peace in the present
It was a classmate’s passing in 2022 that became the catalyst for my husband, Bob and I to take a leap of faith and “retire” early, sell most of our furnishings and relocate to Northern Arizona and a little cabin in the woods. During my travels last summer, I had arranged to connect with another…
Inviting discovery: stretching our creative muscles
During my recent week-long hiatus from my keyboard (see “Pause, breathe, resume…”), I spent considerable time brainstorming various hobbies I might enjoy as creative outlets—aside from reading and hiking, of course. A few past interests have included crocheting, cross-stitching, embroidery and, most recently, making personalized bookmarks from recycled greeting cards. As far as gardening, I…
Pause, breathe, resume for optimal well-being
It’s been a few weeks since I issued a self-imposed break from my laptop, during which time I engaged in several activities—including copious amounts of reading, a home improvement project, some spring cleaning and napping. One afternoon, my husband, Bob and I commuted ninety minutes roundtrip to indulge our sweet tooths with soft-serve gelato. On…
In search of a linear life: a lesson in futility
In a quick text to my daughter shortly after my husband, Bob’s hip replacement surgery (see “Delayed gratification”), I shared a bit of discouragement and she reminded me that—as frustrating as it can be—the process of healing isn’t linear. First, when did she become so wise? And second, I’m all about celebrating life’s victories, both…
FOMO: divine timing at work
Okay, it’s true. I Googled the FOMO acronym. For those of you scratching your heads, I’m referring to the fear of missing out. Although FOMO was a big deal when I attended school, as an adult I still struggle with the idea that I must participate in #allthethings. And this year, due to circumstances beyond…
All tapped out: recognizing the signs
After my husband’s recent hip replacement surgery (see “Delayed gratification”), our daughter arrived at our home on the mountain to lend a helping hand for a few days. Once she left, however, I found myself in a bit of a funk, so I busied myself around our cabin for a couple of hours. But when…
On the front lines or behind the scenes: your presence is your purpose
Over the years, I’ve been guilty of whiling away my time trying to figure out my “life’s purpose.” When my husband, Bob was hit by a drunk driver almost two decades earlier, I used to assume there must be some grand plan for his survival—a cause bigger than ourselves. Fast-forward to present day. After my…
Hey Princess: recognizing your worth
Last month, I took my car in for maintenance and the gentleman at the register asked for my name. “Chris,” I told him. “You don’t look like a Chris,” he replied. Without missing a beat, I responded, “You can call me Princess.” He laughed and asked if I have a tutu and I said, “No,…
Delayed gratification: wait for it
Out like a lion, in like a lamb. That’s what my husband, Bob and I had been hoping for as we bid farewell to March. But that’s not how it happened on the mountain where we live at 6,800 feet. And while we awaited the arrival of spring, we were also anticipating Bob’s hip replacement…
To improve is to change: figuring out what works best
Have you ever made changes to improve your well-being, and then wondered if it was worth it? For the past six months, I’ve been tacking on new goals to support a healthier lifestyle (see “Incremental changes that add up”). In addition to adding a new supplement to my diet and daily strength-training, I’ve also upped…
Set apart: shining your light before others
In the same way, let your light shine before others… ~ Matthew 5:16 The other morning, I approached the town’s postal clerk and asked, “What’s the good word?” “Obnoxious,” he replied, eyes twinkling. “And why is that?” He seemed to contemplate my question. “Because that’s what I am.” We laughed, then engaged in small talk…