Rerouting course: weighing the options

Earlier this year, my husband booked a weeklong summer trip for two at a cabin nestled in the Northern Arizona mountains. With a forest preserve just yards from our front porch, we intended to take advantage of the cooler temperatures by hiking as much as possible. However, with the wild fires raging across the state…

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A minimalist life: just the necessities, please

For many of us, the past 18+ months presented myriad opportunities to reassess and reprioritize what we do and how we do it — ultimately forcing us to reconsider if there might be a better way…whether today, or years down the line. It might mean something simple, like removing excess “clutter” within our daily lives…

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The power to take flight: ‘What if?’

One of a writer’s tools includes asking the what if question, and then throwing our characters under the bus (sometimes literally). I ask myself the what if question often. Not just on paper for the stories I tell, but when it comes to my life as a whole of its sum parts. For example, what if I…

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