Posts Tagged ‘Always the Write Time newsletter’
Reflections on the new year: tools to navigate a long-term vision
Welcome to my final post of 2024! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been goal planning for the coming year by spending time in prayer, and reflecting on what kinds of improvements I can focus on to help me grow as an individual. Unfortunately, early on in the process I became overwhelmed with everything I’d…
Read MoreBlindsided by ‘everything but’ or following your dreams
In my latest subscriber newsletter, I talk about learning #allthings tech and marketing on the business side of writing and—quite honestly—this “old” dog is easily overwhelmed. Yet I can spend a half day trying to establish automated workflows for new subscribers—or contemplate a redesign to my website—before realizing my time to create content or revise…
Read MoreRootbound vs. adventure-bound: selecting your course
I’ve discovered I can’t sit still for long anymore. Oh, I’m able to stay put for 45-minute writing sprints that often morph into an hour and a half until I force myself to take a break. But when it comes to where I’m planted—whether in a particular home, vocation or season—my roots seem to need…
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