Doing it all over again: if I knew then what I know now
A year ago, my husband and I set in motion a series of leaps (of faith) that turned our well-laid retirement planning into a buckle-up-for-the-ride-of-a-lifetime adventure. But to say we were unprepared would be an understatement. For example, what if we’d known our small town would receive a record snowfall (with only front-wheel drive vehicles at our disposal)—or that our cabin would require a lot more fixing up than we’d originally planned? Or that the real definition of “mountain time” is lack of urgency [think: Green Acres]? Would we do it all over again? Confession time: Sometimes I still miss certain aspects of living in the Phoenix Valley—mostly the conveniences. But then I simply look out any one of our windows onto our wooded property and my heart soars with gratitude—because maybe we wouldn’t have taken the leap if we knew then what we know now. And we would’ve missed out on all the good stuff.
Would you do it over if given the opportunity?