Looking ahead: a healthier future

During a recent hike, my husband and I descended roughly 500 feet into a canyon. And what goes down, must go up or vice versa. Since moving to the Mogollon Rim in Northern Arizona—elevation approximately 7,400 feet—I wonder if this may be why I sometimes struggle with breathing on inclines. Another consideration may be that my congenital heart defect is worsening. Or it could be my age, and/or how I care for my body. Although I exercise every day, I push the boundaries when it comes to the food I eat and I’ve started to feel it. My joints are stiffer; my energy level less robust. With a new decade only three short years away, I need to begin making a few changes now if I want to keep climbing mountains and living my best life. I owe it to my family, friends and those who depend on me. But mostly, I owe it to myself.

What lifestyle changes have you adopted for a healthier future?

Photo by Miguel A. Amutio on Unsplash.