Spicing up the change of seasons: Chris’ top 5 reads

As my website bio states: I write romance. Sweet, contemporary stories infused with inspiration and #allthings hope, humor & heart. And I’m a voracious reader too which, in my experience, goes hand-in-hand with persons who write. As you might guess: I love real-life fairytales wrapped up with an HEA bow — the bigger the better.…

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Goodbye grouchy: hello gratitude

One day last week, I awakened with a grouchy attitude, my furrowed brow attesting to a less-than sparkly persona. Upon brewing my first cup of dark roast, I wrapped a blanket around myself and settled at our kitchen table to begin my morning pages — a practice taught by author Julia Cameron. Typically, I start…

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When your life preserver appears: a blessing in disguise

The mini-meltdown occurred a week after surgery to repair my broken wrist. Who knew broken bones require so much energy to heal? Yet as much as I advocate extending grace to ourselves, I struggle. Slowing down feels like punishment; asking for help unnatural. But my shoes need tying before daily walks; and when they come…

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Life as a training ground: learning lessons the hard way

About an hour into a weekly trek in the mountains that can take me anywhere from 77-90 minutes, my ankle buckled and I broke my fall — and my wrist — with a large rock near the trail’s edge. Although my injury involved surgery, complete with the “premium steel plate and pins package,” the experience…

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Preparing for a new season: practicing patience

On the heels of my previous post about “getting unstuck,” I began today’s thoughts with these words: Totally. And. Completely. Stuck. Unfortunately, this overall sense of stagnancy also eked into other areas of my life, threatening to render me immobile. And I realized that what I feel relates more to dormancy — or stillness —…

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Getaway of a lifetime: Day 4 (or getting unstuck)

Remember that vacation you wished would never end? And then once home, you promise yourself life will be different. You’ll spend more time with family or less time scrolling through social media; eliminate whatever prevents you from pursuing your passions. Yet, after you unpack the bags, life reverts to the familiar. Old behaviors replace possibilities.…

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Getaway of a lifetime: Day 3 (or recognizing the signs)

While exploring acres of forest preserve within Arizona’s White Mountains during our recent getaway, my husband and I soon learned the terrain in the northern part of the state differs from the trail systems in the Valley. With only a picture map on our cellphones as pilots, we relied on blue reflective diamonds strategically tacked…

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The trust muscle: why it needs daily exercise

During a recent online workshop, the facilitator tossed out the concept of a “trust muscle.” And how, like with any muscle, it requires regular exercise if we expect it to get stronger. For instance, each time we show up for ourselves — move outside our comfort zones, whether to initiate a difficult conversation, try something…

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Getaway of a lifetime: Day 2 (or identifying your sweet spot)

Think back to a moment in life when you felt 100% in your element, or your “sweet spot.” When #allthethings came into alignment: contentment, peace, joy. Perhaps you even wished time could stand still. During my recent getaway, which I first recount in “Rerouting course…,” I discovered my sweet spot centers on engaging with those…

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